
a story of library school, life in my mind, and any other birds that catch my eye

wedding bells...

Sunday, November 21, 2004
they're not ringing for me, lets be thankful for that

they did ring for my sister though, on oct. 30. my cousin brad has since posted some pictures taken by my cousin michael - you can check them out here.

so, thats nice. in other news... well, there isn't much. i need to do dishes, i talked to anne-marie yesterday for about an hour.. that was nice. we got our lives all figured out, which is good to do from time to time. i also got a postcard from adrian to thank me for being a good host to gordon and him. ah, ok, good times. now i'm about to write up an assignment about the classification of dogs and read some other student's papers.

hands full?

Monday, November 15, 2004
just a note,
i hate opening the door for people with too much starbucks in their hands.

i have many more pages to write tonight, but i thought that was an important point to share.


Wednesday, November 10, 2004
you can turn your mac and your personal library into a sweet sweet combination. Check out this delicious library website. imagine how so many people can live out their own librarian fantasies at home (you know you all want to be one...)

in other news im starting the student chapter of the PLG with my friends morally ambiguous Curtis and popcorn collection development Mark. I am also the vice-president of the special libraries association (SLA) student chapter. one might get the impression that i'm involved here.

PLG and ME

Friday, November 05, 2004
This is part of the purpose of the Progressive Librarians Guild (PLG) which I will be joining shortly. Reading this got me all fired up again about being a librarian. I've been really busy lately and have visitors this weekend, but hopefully over Thanksgiving sleep will catch up with me and all will be well.

We reaffirmed, significantly, that the development of public libraries was initially spurred by popular sentiment which for one reason or another held that real democracy requires an enlightened citizenry, and that society should provide all people with the means for free intellectual development. Current trends in librarianship, however, assert that the library is merely a neutral institutional mediator in the information marketplace and a facilitator of a value-neutral information society of atomized information consumers.

A progressive librarianship demands the recognition of the idea that libraries for the people has been one of the principal anchors of an extended free public sphere which makes an independent democratic civil society possible, something which must be defended and extended. This is partisanship, not neutrality.

Members of PLG do not accept the sterile notion of the neutrality of librarianship, and we strongly oppose the commodification of information which turns the 'information commons' into privatized, commercialized zones. We will help to dissect the implications of these powerful trends, and fight their anti-democratic tendencies.

I am librarian, hear me roar.... or something like that.

the days after...

Thursday, November 04, 2004
a quote sent to me from a friend...

"Because this is still my country, and being female and pro-choice and
pro-gay rights and an environmentalist and a pacifist and a believer in
intelligent leaders and an atheist does not make me un-American or
unpatriotic -- and that needs to be screamed from the fucking rooftops."