
a story of library school, life in my mind, and any other birds that catch my eye

6 degrees no more

Monday, June 06, 2005
bacon brothers
bacon brothers,
originally uploaded by kitten walker.
i'm sure you're all thinking, did'nt your mom turn 60 this weekend? you must have done something great to celebrate - what was it? well, in honor of my mother's birth and my encroaching syracuse summer boredom, i took three trips to the taste of syracuse. it was a great festival not unlike other "taste of [city name here]" festivals. tons of restaurants set up tents in about three blocks around a downtown square and every restaurant was required to have at least one thing to sample for a dollar. it was going on this past friday and saturday night so i went friday after work around 10 with my co-worker/future roommate jeremy and we tried lots of food and then continued the celebration at blue tusk and eventually on to taps (the bar where 'locals come to meet'). the next day, i didn't have to work until 5 so i convinced curtis to go with me again - he woke me up around 2pm and we went down and tried some more new food. well, that night (saturday), at work, i remembered that the bacon brothers were 'headlining' the taste and my friend juliana and i decided that was a must see.
well, it was a must see. there was something really hilarious about it and something equally hilarious about the fact that it wasn't half bad. by far the best moment was the last song of the last encore - footloose. yes, he did dance and yes he did get a little bit more respect for being able to embrace his has-been status.
last night i hung out with my friend jeurje. he is from syria and makes a point to bring a hookah back with him every time he goes home. between he and his brother they have about 6 in their place. four of us sat around and smoked some sweet apple-honey tobacco (also from syria) for about 4 hours. it was a good time and i learned a lot about what his life was like in syria and a lot of the traditions he has revolving around the hookah.
all in all, it was a great celebration (celebrating not only my mother's birth - but also that of my sister ellen and my friend mark) weekend and didn't come home before 3:30am any night which, to me, is a good weekend.
now its time to return some library books i've had all year in preparation for my move at the end of the month.

beware: conservative scholars and harmful books ahead

Wednesday, June 01, 2005
i just read a list of the 10 most harmful books of the 20th centry according to a group of conservative scholars. #1 is guess what, the communist manifesto. #2? - mein kamph. the list goes on to rule out other books that might include radical ideas that may have produced some kind of social change harm (beyond good and evil, the feminine mystique, democracy and education).