
a story of library school, life in my mind, and any other birds that catch my eye

restaurant how-to

when you go to a restaurant keep this in mind:
  1. when you tip, leaving the change or one more dollar might not be that much for you, but to the server, it makes all the differnce.
  2. if the server is busy and asks you if you're ready to order, don't say yes and then decide to look at the menu for the first time.
  3. check if the dressings are listed on the menu - if they are, pick one.
  4. when it's busy, tip better - especially if you get good service.
  5. don't get mad at the server about restaurant policy. chances are he/she hates them as much as you do. at my restaurant, we have a policy about not letting people come in with outside food or drinks. this is a problem since there is a starbucks down the block. people give me all kinds of shit about this policy and chances are i hate it as much as they do - the bottom line is though, if i dont enforce it, i loose my job. so please don't give me shit about it because there is nothing i can do.
  6. don't be a jerk - at all, in any way, ever.
  7. don't send something back that you order unless there is something wrong with it. don't send it back because you don't like it or because it doesn't look like you thought it would. if that's the case, don't order it again.
  8. i don't want to hear about the gas-x or beano you have in your purse or why you need it.
  9. oh, tip well, did i mention that?
although i strongly reccomend against dining out with children under the age of 8, ever -- if you must, keep this in mind:
  1. loud children annoy everyone without loud children and in most cases, that is everyone else.
  2. sugar pakets are not toys.
  3. nor are salt and pepper shakers.
  4. i don't care about your child, what it likes to eat, if it's bored, if it enjoys the restaurant. that's up to you.
  5. i don't get paid nearly enough to entertain your child.
  6. let's just say, for instance, that your child gets pasta. if it throws the pasta, the napkins, the silverware, the ice, the sugar, the salt, the pepper, the menu, and the plates all over the floor at least fake an attempt at cleaning it up.
  7. tip really, really well.
ok, perhaps this stems from a stressed out finals week and a strange migration of jerks into the restaurant. forgive me. in fact, things should be fine if you keep in mind that servers are people too and treat them as such - that will pretty much wipe out any of these problems. enjoy your dining experience...
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4:45 PM

i didn't know you worked at a restaurant - which one?    

4:46 PM

umm, I just realized that you might not want to share that with the world. i for one avoid talking about work, so not sure why i asked you to give specifics.

anyways good to hear from you - stories from the service industry are usually pretty entertaining...    

7:17 PM

no prob, i work at a little greek/mediterranean restaurant on the main 'student strip' in town. needless to say, now that it's summer (or at least according to the academic calendar) things are slow and the 'problem' customers are less - or at least more tolerable.    

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