
a story of library school, life in my mind, and any other birds that catch my eye

almost done

harpin 05 038
harpin 05 038,
originally uploaded by kitten walker.
as usual, it has been a while. i haven't written since my great trip to oxford for harpin' n' pickin.' it was a great festival (as usual?) and i had a blast the whole weekend (perhaps with the exception of sleeping in the woods on a tarp on a night that was far too cold for such activities). i think the photo will link those interested to some other photos from that weekend.

in other news, my semester is so close to being over. i have a two 'projects' to compete by monday, and then i'm free (kind of).

i'll be kickin' it in syracuse for the summer with less time away than i had hoped. this is good and bad. good because the reason i'll have less time away is that i have a real job teaching information literacy to freshman at a local college. more about that in a minute. it's bad because i'll be more tied to syarcuse which many claim is "great in the summer" - but as a friend of mine pointed out last night, where isn't it great in the summer?

so, about this job. i saw an email on a listserv that i'm on stating a need for an instructor and i thought (partly in jest) hm, i'll send an email, i could teach that. one interview later, i had a job. i'll be teaching one section of the course tues/thurs 9-10:15am. i found out in a meeting today that the class starts next thursday so rather than writing this, i really should be planning a class - but as usual, i suspect things will fall into place.

i was also considering interning at the national women's hall of fame research library for the summer, but it seems like teaching and (of course) working at aladdin's will keep me busy enough. i did just get an internship at the main syracuse university library for the fall though, so that should be great. i'll be working with the women's studies library who also happens to be head of the reference department - so i'll be taking care of some needed women's studies project for her as well as holding down the reference desk a few hours a week (just like the good ole days at king library).

so, i guess that's about all that has been going on lately. i'm just so happy to be done with the semester that it is hard to think of much else. i look forward to may which has come to be known to us library students as laundry doing and grocery shopping month.

on that note, there is a full sink that needs my attention before i go to work at 5. i better get on that.
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